Even the February just has started, the weather here turned from winter to spring within the night! With each spring day, everything becomes colorful, but my first thought about it is Dandelion. So I’ve decided to put some words about this (as the ancients call it) Remedy.

This is probably the most common weed on the planet. Some people are even irritated by it because it spreads all over their lawn. But wait! Are you one of them? Because if you are, read this post first, and before you decide to spray your lawn next time, just think about what you’re missing.

To be honest with you, I’m not such a fan of dandelion tea. It has a bit earthy taste, but I do make sure to include it in my routine. I usually mix it with other herbs so it’s not that dominant. You can make tea either from root or petals, but I always go with root since it has more nutrients. And there’s another interesting thing, it can easily replace the coffee! It doesn’t have caffeine but if you want it to taste like coffee, find some roasted dandelion root and you’re set for your caffeine-free coffee time. 

The most significant nutrient we find in this herb is potassium, the mineral that stimulates the heartbeat. But don’t underestimate the power this herb has for our bones, as well. You know this; as we age, our bone density starts to decrease, which further means that our joints and bones weaken. 

From an early age, I’ve been a jungle child. You could easily find me on the top of the tree every time; climbing, jumping, hanging…but I have never broken a single bone in my body. As I was growing up, I fell in love with rollerskates, bicycles…anything on wheels 🙂 Still riding fast, jumping, trying to learn some tricks… The point is, I was always active. So now, I can’t even imagine walking on with that feeling that my bones and joints are not safe. Hopefully, I will never have to experience that, but that’s why we work today for the benefits tomorrow.

Now, before you continue reading, make some dandelion tea first 🙂

You can probably find it easily in the local store, but if you’d rather gather it on your own, just make sure to find a place away from the street. Don’t pick it up by the street! It’s not clean, it’s not safe. You don’t even have to use it in tea, it can be used in foods as well as in beverages. There’re a lot of great recipes for salads, dips, or soups, for example. Try some, see how it works for you. There are a lot of minerals and vitamins you can absorb from this herb. 

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you know that I like to dig out some different notices about the topic. Well, here’s one to make your day!

In the 16th century, magicians believed that if a person rubs himself all over with dandelion, he will be welcome everywhere and obtain what he wishes.

If you ever try this trick, make sure to get back to this post and tell us all about your crazy experience! 😀

But if you decide not to, then just consider adding the great dandelion to your menu. 

From the Black Rabbit Tea collection, there are not many blends with dandelion (yet). Only the Rabbit Boost blend has it. This one is packed with a high dose of vitamin C, with curcumin, lemon, cinnamon, and a few more herbs that are good for this mixture. The other thing that is good about this blend is that it helps with collagen, the mineral that is important for skin elasticity, and like bone density, we also lose it as we age. 

Lastly, you know that thing with blowing seeds of dandelion flower? Well, next time you want to do so, make a wish first, then blow 😉

That’s it for today! I wish you a great week ahead!

And don’t forget to connect through the page below! Let’s have that cup of tea!

The Cup of Diary blog (@thecupofdiary) • Instagram photos and videos


  1. I promise I will get back to drinking tea again. I probably won’t drink any of the flavored kind, but a cuppa of good strong black tea sounds good to my soul.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If it sounds good for the soul, then that’s it! 😀 Enjoy your cuppa!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, I needed to know you approve. Some of my friends have tried to convert me.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahahaha
        Feel free to reach for support the next time 😉

        We won’t let them win!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dandelion greens are also edible. Just cook them as you would any other green! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. -Eugenia says:

    I love tea and after reading your post, I will be more creative with my choice of tea. I am mostly a coffee fan, but I often like to have a nice cup of hot tea. Thank you for following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, I like coffee too 😁 But tea has a different magic ✨

      Thanks for stopping by 🤍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. -Eugenia says:

        My pleasure! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Green tea is a beverage like no other. It’s more environmentally friendly than coffee, has just enough caffeine for gentle stimulation, and even offers tea drinkers calming effects thanks to the natural amino acid L-theanine.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Kimberlee 🙂
      All teas from Camellia Sinensis are great!
      But have you tried dandelion tea ?


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